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2022-2023 PRODUCTS

Speaking Of Podcast

Hanan Hamad, Danielle Kopplin & Kiri Rao (Audiology)

Speaking of Podcast

Ally Puga (Speech-Language Pathology)

Early Intervention Referral Rates for Bayley vs. the DAYC

Jasmine Ke (Pediatrics)

Impact of Timing to Early Intervention on Developmental Outcomes in a High-Risk Infant Population at 2 years of age

Nicole Nghiem (Pediatrics)

Development with the Submission for Pediatric Mental Health National Fellowship  

Lesley Fuentes & Abigail Watkins (Occupational Therapy)

Early Identification of Autism Spectrum Disorder Before the Age of Three

Ashley Galvan (Nutrition) & Kimberly Willis (Occupational Therapy)

Public Health Scholars Best Practices in Meeting MCH Competencies in US LEND Programs

Gabrielle Villa (Public Health)

Implementing reflective practice in interdisciplinary settings (Podcast)

Rachel Galindo (Nutrition), Jessica Savage (Nutrition) & Tatev Sarkissyan (Special Education)

Systematic Review: Psychometric properties of the Alberta Infant Motor Scale and translated versions when used for infant populations cross-
culturally: a systematic review

Michael Kong (Physical Therapy)

Inclusion of ID/DD content in nursing curriculum

Serge Nelson (Nursing)

Exploring Early School Recollections of Adults with Disabilities

Emily Frake (Special Education), Emily Rourke (Occupational Therapy) & Molly Williams (Social Work)

Impact of COVID-19 on Obesity Rates in Children with Spina Bifida at CHLA

Rachel Kimmel (Nutrition)

Increasing Access to Targeted Mental Health Resources in an FQHC setting

Monica Martinez (Occupational Therapy) & Shelby Smallwood (Public Health)

Informing the update to the 2018 Physical Therapy Management of Congenital Muscular Torticollis Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline: a systematic review

Adrianna Castilla (Physical Therapy) & Mariah Gonzalez (Physical Therapy)

Informing the update to the 2018 Physical Therapy Management of Congenital Muscular Torticollis Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guideline: a systematic review

Adrianna Castilla (Physical Therapy) & Mariah Gonzalez (Physical Therapy)

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